Baby Update | 4 Months, Baby Gas & Elimination Diets

Tubby Time!

Tubby Time!

OH HAAAAY. I want to start this baby update by saying thank you to our readers. Thank you for your support, for your encouraging words, and for taking time to read about Ant’s journey and my experience as a new mom.

I can’t believe that Ant is already 4 months old! Its crazy! It seems like yesterday that I was asking Anthony to drive me to the hospital at 3 AM so I could just sit there and watch my tiny baby sleep.

15 lbs 13 oz!

15 lbs 13 oz!

He certainly is not tiny any more! Ant is now 15 lbs 13 oz and 25.3 inches long. HE. IS. SO. BIG. He’s now in the 62nd percentile for height and weight. Ant’s liver is also doing much better. His bilirubin is below a 1, which is perfect! His liver enzymes are still a little elevated so we need to continue seeing a GI specialist, but its not a big concern.

We got to meet his new pediatrician on Wednesday. She is super sweet and Ant really likes her! She has two young children who she breast fed- its a nice change from his previous pediatrician who knew very little about breastfeeding.

Ant can do so many fun things now!

  • he is really good at holding his head up.
  • he can sit supported (either with me holding his hands or in his Bumbo).
  • now that we’ve started putting him in the water he absolutely loves bath time, even with me!
  • he is captivated by lights!
  • he is very curious.
  • he can bear some weight on his legs and bounce around.
  • he is a drooling MACHINE.
  • he can grab and hold on to the toys on his play gym.
  • he had his first belly laugh a couple weeks ago!
  • when he sits in the Bumbo he holds and plays with his feet, but he has yet to notice them in any other position.
  • he recognizes his name and
  • he loves to flirt!




I love him so much! He has such an adorable personality and I cannot imagine my life without him. Now, I’m wondering if any of you mommas out there have had this sensation- some times when Ant is playing quietly or napping and I’m doing the mundane day to day stuff or catching up on homework, I stop and realize that I’M A MOMMY.

Like, wow. I created human life and now I get to watch that life grow and change and play and sleep and do adorable things. Is there anything more amazing in the entire world? And why am I doing anything besides snuggling that cute little boy? But, ya know, responsibilities.

Sitting in his Bumbo and playing with his toys :)

Sitting in his Bumbo and playing with his toys 🙂

Now let’s talk about baby gas and elimination diets. For quite some time I was struggling to figure out what I was eating that was making Ant so gassy. I tried drinking Lactaid milk and avoiding lactose altogether because Ant’s pediatrician said he may be intolerant. Well, it turns out that Ant is allergic to dairy altogether. I discovered this by doing an elimination diet.

For five weeks I eliminated two things from my diet that I suspected were causing Ant’s gas: coffee and dairy. I’m not gonna lie- this was incredibly difficult. I don’t remember a day I went without either before starting this diet. It generally takes at least two weeks for anything to completely leave your body and after two weeks I noticed a huge difference in how Ant was feeling.

After five weeks I had some coffee and it didn’t seem to affect him at all. So now I am certain the culprit was dairy the whole time. From my experience, an elimination diet was the best way to address Ant’s gas issues. He is feeling so much better now!

If you want to read more about Ant’s story, please check out my previous baby updates!

11 thoughts on “Baby Update | 4 Months, Baby Gas & Elimination Diets

  1. Hey Cassie, thanks for sharing. It says in your article that you reintroduced coffee… I’m curious if you also reintroduced dairy to test the waters? I’ve got a six week old who struggles with gas and grunting right now and am also going to give up these two things to see how she does.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kali- I accidentally re-introduced dairy after 4 weeks. My boyfriend got my a sub one night and both the baby and I were sick the next morning. I told him about it and he was like “oh shit, I think they buttered the sub roll!” I haven’t tried reintroducing dairy in any other form because I am certain it was dairy causing his gas.

      If you do an elimination diet I would suggest eliminating for at least two weeks because from what I’ve read, it takes two weeks for anything to leave your system.


  2. And regarding the reintroduction of dairy.. I ask because it seems that around that age, from what I’ve read, babies’ digestive systems tend to mature and they get better at syncing their bodies to let out gas and don’t struggle as much. Being that you gave both things up for 5 weeks, just wondering if it definitely dairy or maybe his digestive system caught up. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Yummy Super Coffee Recipe! | Thrifting & Bitching

  4. Pingback: Baby Update | 5 Months, Growth Spurts & Teething | Thrifting & Bitching

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